
Instruments for Sound & Vibration

Building skin envelope


The building envelope is a functional and complex living surface. It fulfills a diversity of aspects, such as: aesthetics and representation, communication, safety and regulation of the external climate for attaining interior comfort. The latter is becoming increasingly important nowadays, since it involves the economical use of energy and natural resources to be achieved.

The building envelope is consequently a crucial component for bringing the owner’s and architect’s vision to life.

Special sound isolation measures for exterior walls, windows, doors and roofs often are required for buildings that are exposed to heavy traffic, or are located near trains, airports, or noisy industrial and commercial sites.

Using appropiate acoustician can determine sound isolation requirements by calculating the difference between outside and inside building noise levels.

They then make recommendations and specify modifications to reduce the effects of noise.

In addition, we evaluate site-generated exterior noise resulting from such factors as rooftop air conditioning systems, cooling towers, and traffic, and recommend solutions that mitigate impacts to the surrounding community.

Updated: February 26, 2020 — 8:08 am
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